The practice of breast massage has roots in the ancient Indian system of Ayurveda; a life science practiced for over 3000 years!
True’s Shakti Breast Massage Oil has been formulated to boost the natural benefits of this ancient practice, so let's take a look at them.......
Massage encourages circulation and in this area specifically, lymphatic drainage; an essential detoxification pathway.
The lymphatic system is part of the immune and circulatory systems and is responsible for transporting viruses, bacteria, toxins and
cellular waste away from the cells, back into the circulation to be processed and removed from the body.
These actions upon the circulatory system are boosted by the therapeutic effects of wild orange essential oil.
Breast massage can help reduce the symptoms of PMS; including swelling and tenderness of the breasts by encouraging the flow of stagnant lymph.
The increased circulatory benefits of Massage help facilitate cellular detoxification,tissue repair and rejuvenation; boosted by the time tested healing properties of frankincense essential oil.
Breast massage is a practice that encourages you to get to know your breasts! As you become more familiar with this practice you may notice subtle changes in the breast tissue as part of the normal hormonal fluctuations throughout your menstrual cycle and during different stages of life. This in turn can assist you in recognising any unusual changes that may present in the breast tissue.
This practice is a wonderful way to develop a deeper connection, appreciation and love for your breasts.
With the special addition of pink peppercorn essential oil to protect the heart space from negative energies. This uplifting blend has a sweet, spicy, stimulating aroma perfect for a daily or once weekly self care ritual.
Ther are no hard and fast rules. We encourage you to explore, developing a practice that feels good for you. Don't forget to pay some attention to the armpits, this area is rich with lymphatic tissue!
Start by finding a place where you feel comfortable. Apply Shakti breast massage oil to both breasts and take a moment to connect with the body. Perhaps taking a couple of deep breaths into the chest area, allowing the sweet, uplifting aroma to soften you.
Starting with the thumb placed above the breast (opposite hand to opposite breast is easiest) and the fingertips pointing inward towards the armpit, squeeze rhythmically in a pumping motion to move the lymph fluid, 10-15x. Doing this one breast at a time is easiest.
Starting at the side of the breast, stroke in a cuircular motion, downwards towards the centre of the breast, back up and towards the armpit. repeat as many times as feels good.
Spend about 5 minutes on each breast.
These are just a few examples, but feel free to explore, ther is no wrong way to do this practice.
Other ways to care for your lymphatic system........
Stay hydrated. Fluid intake ensures healthy flow of blood and lymph.
Move your body. The lymphatic system relies on our circulatory system to keep it moving. Anything you can do to increase blood flow around the body will facilitate movement of lymph fluid.
Minimize or avoid exposure to toxic chemicals such as pesticides, harsh chemical cleaning products and conventional beauty & selfcare products. These put extra stress upon our organs and systems to detoxify the body; leaving residue of these toxins in our cells and tissues, over time accumulating and erroding our health.
Castor oil packs have been found to facilitate detoxification of body tissues, supporting the lymphatic system, skin repair and immune function. This is why we have formulated our Breast Massage Oil in a base containing this powerful ingredient.