As the festive period of overindulgence draws to a close, have you ever noticed the distinct shifts that occur in your mind and body?
Perhaps a slump in energy levels, lethargy, feeling unmotivated?
In the body you may find your eyes are puffy on waking, your joints may be stiffer and your skin lacks luster?
Late nights, overeating rich foods and heavy alcohol consumption overburdens our digestive system and the liver; leading to stagnation in the lymphatic system. When our bodily systems are overworked, toxins and cellular waste are processed much slower, translating to the above symptoms and an accumulation of what Ayurveda refers to as Kapha dosha. This coupled with a spike in sugar consumption can negatively impact our immune system and it’s ability to keep us free from illness.
Want to know more about Ayurveda and the seasons?
True. have some amazing rituals to add to your daily routine in 2023; ensuring your lymphatic system keeps moving and positive energy continues flowing. These rituals are particularly useful for this time of year and throughout spring (Kapha season)!
1.Dry Brushing with Grapefruit essential oil
This practice is the perfect way to get stagnant kaphic energy moving first thing in the morning: Brushing the whole body with a stiff bristle brush from the periphery of your limbs, towards the heart encourages the lymphatic system to move the toxins back into the circulatory system for processing.
Grapefruit essential oil is the perfect companion to this practice. Added to your dry brush it can help:
Boost circulation
Improve skin health and reduce the appearance of cellulite
Act as a natural energiser and mood booster
In addition, this oil can be added to a glass of water for internal consumption* which can further assist in:
Reducing inflammation
Facilitating digestion
Balancing blood sugar levels and reducing sugar cravings
Acting as a powerful gallbladder stimulant, it may even help relieve the symptoms of a hangover!
(Dr Axe)
*we only ever recommend using doTERRA essential oils for their therapeutic potency and dedication to proven purity. Please do not ingest any other brand of essential oil as many are adulterated and therefore not suitable for internal use.
2.Breast massage
The practice of breast massage has roots in the ancient Indian system of Ayurveda; a life science practiced for over 3000 years!
True’s Shakti Breast Massage Oil has been formulated to boost the natural benefits of this ancient practice:
Encouraging circulation and lymphatic drainage; an essential detoxification pathway.
This practice can reduce the symptoms of PMS; including swelling and tenderness of the breasts, which are a sign of stagnant lymph fluid.
The increased circulatory benefits of Massage help facilitate cellular detoxification, tissue repair and rejuvenation.
We are in love with this goddess ritual! Check out our previous blog on the benefits of Breast massage here:
Other ways to care for your liver, maintain your digestive system and shift the sluggish, stagnant energy of this season:
Move - Movement gets your circulation moving, supporting lymphatic function and moving prana, our life energy.
Sip warm water throughout the day - this is an Ayurvedic practice that also encourages movement of stagnant lymph and kapha dosha.
Milk thistle is a powerful herb for liver support. Also assisting the gallbladder, bile ducts, and bile flow; in turn supporting detoxification, digestion and elimination.
Get an early night - the more rest we get, the better job our bodies can do of rest and repair.In Ayurveda 10pm-2am Is the time in which the liver cleanses, making sure you are asleep during this time will ensure this process is most efficient.
Get outside - connecting back with nature is the quickest way to tune back in with your inner wisdom; listen to your body and allow it to guide you back towards balance.